Tuesday 19 August 2014

Who invented glow sticks?

Born in Brooklyn in 1930, Dr. Edwin Chandross was the first to take interest in chemiluminescence by making observations of an experiment where luminol at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The fact that light can be produced without generating heat and requiring oxygen unlike pyrotechnique fascinated him. 
At the end of his academic studies in 1959, Dr. Chandross held a position at Bell Labs where he went on with his experimentations which led him to the discovery of the interaction of hydrogen peroxyde and oxalic acid, the mix that now makes many young party goers very happy. In fact, the discovery of that glow in the dark capability was made in a day.
Dr. Chandross only lately, realised the implications of his discovery and the massive use of the chemicals he discovered in glow sticks, glow bracelets and other glow in the dark party accessories.  

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